Bible Studies Influence Shalom
Bible Studies Influence Shalom! Are you ready to invigorate your Christian journey with Jesus Christ? Our Bible studies will help you discover the transformative power of God’s word and actions. Through the Scriptures, God speaks to you and reveals His influence with power, clarity, and purpose.
Knowing the Bible Series from Crossway
Crossway is a not-for-profit Christian ministry that exists solely to proclaim the gospel through publishing and other means in order, by God’s grace:
- To bring men, women, and children to Christ as their Lord and Savior;
- To help individual Christians and the church grow in knowledge and understanding of the Christian life;
- To bear witness to God’s truth, beauty, and holiness, and to the Lordship of Christ in every area of life; and
- To glorify our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in every way. Statement of Faith
More Excellent Life Changing Books
The Pursuit of Wisdom
The pursuit of wisdom has fascinated humanity for ages. People have sought knowledge from ancient texts to modern books. However, the Bible remains a timeless source of profound wisdom.
The Psalmist proclaims in Psalm 119:99, “I have more understanding than all my teachers, for your testimonies are my meditation.” This highlights the significance of Bible reading. It reveals God’s thoughts and cultivates wisdom beyond one’s years.
Reading the Bible isn’t just about religious devotion. It offers valuable guidance for everyone. To appreciate its wisdom, you must explore its rich content. The Bible includes narratives, poetry, parables, prophecies, and Spiritual Warfare. Jesus says “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” Luke 10:19 . These genres provide insights into human nature and practical advice for life’s challenges.
Understanding the Bible’s historical and cultural context deepens its teachings. Studying the customs and beliefs of biblical times enriches your grasp of its messages. For instance, knowing the importance of hospitality in biblical times illuminates the story of the Good Samaritan. It teaches the value of compassion and kindness.
In sum, reading the Bible enriches your life with timeless wisdom and practical guidance.
Biblical Teachings in Modern Life is Crucial
Understanding the importance of biblical teachings in today’s life is vital. The Bible may have been written ages ago, but its truths and principles are ever-relevant. Commands like loving your neighbor hold as much weight now as they did back then. By integrating these teachings into your interactions, you nurture strong relationships and add positively to society’s welfare.
The Bible offers insight into God’s mind. Through scripture, you learn about His character, purposes, and hopes for humanity. God’s thoughts are revealed in the various themes and messages throughout the Bible. Analyzing the different literary forms used offers insight into how these divine thoughts are shared.
For instance, the rich poetry of the Psalms captures human emotions and truths. Meanwhile, prophetic writings reveal God’s plans for the future. Understanding such genres helps you better grasp the nuances of His thoughts and apply them in life. Applying His insights to personal growth is essential for Bible readers.
Careful study helps uncover the core principles of God’s teachings. For example, the call to seek justice and show mercy can guide your ethical decisions and support social justice efforts. Aligning your life with God’s wisdom leads to choices that honor Him. Let the Bible’s wisdom light your path, shaping a life that reflects God’s love and truth.
Knowing Scripture for Bible Studies
Introducing the ultimate guide to understanding the Bible: Knowing Scripture Book by R.C. Sproul. If you’re like many people, you may find yourself struggling to comprehend this ancient text. It’s no secret that The Bible is the written Word of God, but deciphering its meaning can be difficult when the book speaks about civilizations that are vastly different from our own. That’s where Knowing Scripture comes in.
In this expanded edition, Sproul presents a clear and commonsense approach to studying the Bible. Instead of simply telling you how to read the Bible, he provides practical guidelines for biblical interpretation, empowering you to dig out the true meaning for yourself. Using a minimum of technical jargon, Sproul guides readers through the critical questions and differences of interpretation that arise when studying scripture.
With Knowing Scripture, studying the Bible will no longer feel like a daunting task. Those eleven practical guidelines for biblical interpretation and application will equip you with the tools you need to uncover the meaning of scripture. Whether you’re a seasoned reader of the Bible or a beginner searching for understanding, Knowing Scripture will help you take your Biblical studies to the next level.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to enrich your relationship with God and deepen your understanding of his word. Get your copy of Knowing Scripture today!
Essential Christian Doctrines
A Handbook on Biblical Truth: A Concise Summary of Biblical Truth
Looking for a comprehensive guide to Christian doctrine? Look no further than “Essential Christian Doctrine: A Handbook on Biblical Truth”. This invaluable resource not only equips readers with knowledge about God, but also shapes their affections toward him and actions for him.
With topics ranging from the Bible and the Holy Spirit to salvation and the church, this book systematizes the robust theology that has served as the foundation for John MacArthur’s preaching ministry. Plus, with chapter-end discussion questions, readers can engage even more deeply with the material. Add this 544-page hardcover from Crossway to your library today!
Unlock the power of your faith with sound doctrine! Discover the key principles and practices that build a strong spiritual foundation. Enhance your knowledge and deepen your relationship with God through sound doctrine. Get started today!
The Armor of God - Rose Visual Bible Studies
How are you expected to withstand incredible evil forces and not be defeated?
Equip Yourself with the Armor of God
Stand firm as a soldier of the Almighty. The “Armor of God Bible Study” guides you in embracing divine protection. Explore the intricacies of a Roman centurion’s gear and see its significance in spiritual armor.
Truth’s Belt: Bound in truth, hold firm against deception.
Righteousness’ Breastplate: Let morality shield your heart.
Gospel of Peace Shoes: Step confidently, carrying the good news.
Faith’s Shield: Extinguish the flaming arrows of doubt.
Salvation’s Helmet: Guard your thoughts with salvation’s assurance.
Spirit’s Sword: Wield the word of God with precision.
Experience the strength of God’s armor in every battle. Armed fully, you stand unyielding against the devil’s schemes. Feel empowered to conquer as Romans 8:37 assures victory through divine love. In life’s trials, take heart in this armor, shaping you into a formidable warrior.
This study includes vivid visuals and enlightening facts. Perfect for both new believers and devoted church members. Join the faithful in finding strength and peace, restoring broken spiritual pieces with shalom. Take the step towards unwavering faith and spiritual triumph—now.
The New Inductive Bible Study Series
Introducing The New Inductive Bible Study Series – the ultimate tool for Christian learners who are looking to delve deeper into God’s Word and discover truth for themselves. What is Inductive Study, you may ask? It involves careful observation of the text leading to sound interpretation and appropriate application. And The New Inductive Study Series incorporates this method, covering every book of the Bible.
Created by renowned author and teacher Kay Arthur, this 13-week study guide is perfect for personal study, small groups, Sunday school classes, and even family devotions. Each study is designed to help you go deeper into God’s precepts, promises, and purposes, and offers an excellent introduction to the Precept Bible Study Method.
With guided questions and just a few minutes of daily homework, each book in The New Inductive Bible Study Series is accessible to lay persons and has been used by millions around the world in small to medium-sized home, church, and marketplace study groups. Kay Arthur herself is an expert in inductive Bible study and has authored many inductive Bible study workbooks.
So if you want to truly understand the Bible and apply its teachings to your life, The New Inductive Bible Study Series is the perfect tool for you. Discover truth for yourself and deepen your relationship with God through The New Inductive Bible Study Series.
Discover the Women of the Bible: An Inspiring 6-Session Journey
Unlock the profound wisdom of the Women of the Bible. Through these six engaging Bible study sessions, find the strength to deepen your faith. Let the stories of remarkable women from the Old Testament illuminate your path.
Explore the inspiring tales of women like Rebecca and the courageous daughters championing women’s rights. Revel in the lessons from the life-saving woman of the besieged city and the wise woman of Shunem. Experience Lady Wisdom’s teachings from Proverbs through well-crafted narratives.
This study transforms historical insights into modern-day wisdom, equipping you with practical lessons for everyday life. Vibrant visuals accentuate these teachings, making it easier to remember and apply them. Our user-friendly format walks you confidently through each lesson—read, understand, explore, and live the experience.
Perfect for individual spiritual growth or dynamic group discussions. Ideal for young adults, homeschooling, church libraries, and thoughtful gifts. Don’t let this opportunity pass. Begin your spiritual journey with the Women of the Bible study today.
- 6 Engaging Sessions: Structured for progressive learning
- Easy-to-Follow Layout: Includes reading and application elements
- Visually Appealing Design: Supports retention of key insights
- Key Woman Profiles: Understand influential Biblical women
- Applicable Lessons: Relate teachings to daily life
Start exploring today. Shalom awaits to restore and deepen your understanding of biblical teachings.
Direct Quotes from Jesus
These quotes of Jesus Christ are life-changing and timeless. Can add billions of years to your Eternal Life with Christ.
Jesus is the symbol of Christianity. He offers you salvation and eternal life. His Words have Real Power! The power to use words is a unique and powerful gift from God. Instill these direct quotes from Jesus in your soul.
1. This is a complete combination of the four Gospels into a single narrative. 2. This may be the first harmony of the Gospels with all the words of Jesus standing out in BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS. 3. Contains numerous captions or subheadings, explaining what each passage is about for the reader to more quickly grasp every message, without a teacher being present. 4. All captions are in the present tense, vividly putting you right in the middle of all the action.
5. Also contains more than 300 titles and attributes of Jesus, such as “Tender Physician,” “Focus of Glory,” “Abundant Life,” “Infinite Majesty,” “Burden Bearer,” “Substitute Sacrifice,” “Eternal Life,” etc. 6. It will also prove most valuable as well for the preacher, and college professor, who will garner numerous valid insights, which they may not have noticed before. 7. This book could launch a million needed ministries worldwide. Direct Quotes from Jesus can add billions of years to your Eternal Life with Christ.
A Must for those who want to mature in Christ.
Powerful Read! This Book is available for shipment only to the USA.
Simple and Vivid Parables of Jesus DVD Bible Study
Jesus communicated deep spiritual truths through simple, vivid, and engaging stories. Woven from the stuff of everyday life, the parables of Jesus made the Kingdom of God understandable and accessible to his listeners. In six engaging, interactive small group sessions, this Deeper Connections DVD will give you new insights into his parables and their meanings that will help you to appreciate more fully their relevance for your own life.
With maps and pictures, outlines, key Scripture verses, discussion questions, plenty of room for note taking, and a personal five-day Bible Study for each session, the participant’s guide will help you get the most out of The Parables of Jesus, both in your group and in applying what you learn to your life.
Deeper Connections Series: Unlike any other Bible study available, this visually stunning DVD series is written and taught by biblical experts-six professors with specialized areas of knowledge.
Parables of Jesus DVD Bible Studies
Bible Overview
Extraordinary Study: Know Your Bible
The Bible has 66 Books, more than 1,000 chapters, and was written by about 40 different authors. Bible Overview will help you get a grasp of each book quickly. With a 4-to-6 page explanation for each book, you will get a clear overview of the Bible. Includes full-color maps and timelines.
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