Presence of God Is Powerful!
Presence of God is Powerful and comes when He lives in you. Straight up and foremost, If you are not born-again and the Holy Spirit does not indwell in you you will never feel God’s presence because God is not in you.
When you are born-again you are a new creature and the old creature has passed away. When you are born-again the Holy Spirit comes and indwells in you, in which is the third Person of the Trinity. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
It is a personal and close encounter with God. It turns you into another person. The Holy Spirit fills your soul with the fruits of Spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control” (Galatians 5:22–23).and you mirror Jesus Christ rather than Satan. God’s presence feels like God’s character, love, peace, righteousness, wisdom, and joy. The Holy Spirit is the power of God.
You get these Fruits immediately when the Holy Spirit arrives in you, but it will take time, prayer, perseverance, and communication with the Holy Spirit to enjoy them. Once you are born-again you are on your way. “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.” – John 14:26. The Holy Spirit is the presence of God. “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?” – 1 Corinthians 3:16.
Enjoy God’s Salvation
Experiencing salvation fills your life with God’s glorious presence. With a transformed heart, the Holy Spirit breathes new life into you. You will become more like Jesus Christ and experience His presence in your life. You will enjoy and experience the benefits of the Spirit. Holy Spirit is a Powerful Experience!
This spiritual experience is a powerful and personal journey that each person experiences differently. You will encounter awe, joy and shalom. It is the greatest way to find clarity, peace, and understanding in your life. Every person has a different understanding and there is no wrong or right time to experience a spiritual reaction.
Remember, But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light; 1 Peter 2:9.
What does Presence of God mean?
God’s Presence indwells a residence in Every Christian. Christians have the presence of God within us by virtue of His indwelling Holy Spirit; John 14:23. John 15:4 says your indwelling presence comes only by believing faith in Jesus Christ. You will never lose the reality of God’s presence, but you might lose the “sense” of His presence.
The Presence of God
The concept of the presence of God is often referenced in sermons, prayers, and songs within Christian communities, but it may lack a clear definition for many individuals. To clarify the idea, J. Ryan Lister, a respected professor, delves into both the Old and New Testaments in order to unearth the central importance of God’s presence throughout the entirety of Scripture.
Unfortunately, this theme is often disregarded, which leads to misconceptions regarding its relevance and true meaning. With so many searching for a deep connection with their Creator, this book provides invaluable insight into the truth behind God’s manifestation among his people.
Furthermore, Lister explores the powerful implications of God’s nearness for every Christian’s daily life, providing a roadmap for a more intimate and fulfilling relationship with God.
How to feel the Presence of God?
The presence of God is drowned out by things most people allow themselves to do, so if we want to feel His presence, we have to be aware of what we are engaging in that might be pushing Him out. To feel God’s love, and His presence, you have to surround yourself with influences that invite the Spirit. Making sure your influences are positive, uplifting and encouraging will go so far in allowing you to feel the Spirit in your daily lives.
Holy Spirit works different ways in different people. When God Reveals His Presence to You, You’ll Know and Feel It. His presence will always be Positive, Heartening, Encouragement, Inspirational, Invigoration, and the list goes on. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above….James 1:17.
You do not live your Christian walk on feelings; you live by faith.
Once you become saved and become born again, God will now set out an incredible adventure for you to make a start. You are now being given a brand new life with a brand new fresh start. All old things have now passed away and all things have now been made truly brand new.
People make the mistake of waiting until a problem occurs before they come to God for mercy and instructions. But this is not how relationships work. God does not want to be a “genie” left in a bottle until needed; he wants a relationship with you, and relationships require time spent together regularly. Your ability to live a Christian life hinges upon being in the presence of God, and it is the key to a life of victory over sin and joy unspeakable. Study sound doctrine only, many false teachers are out in the world trying to deceive you.
Sin hinders everything, especially man’s experience with the Presence of God.
God’s presence in you transforms life. If you’re born-again, His Spirit dwells within, guiding and renewing you. Without this rebirth, you won’t feel His presence. When the Holy Spirit fills you, you experience love, joy, and peace. You become more like Christ, embodying His traits.
This transformation is deeply personal, bringing clarity and understanding. While you always have His presence, staying connected through prayer and perseverance helps maintain the sense of it. You are chosen, set apart to live in His light, carrying His presence within you.
Shalom is a Blessing, a manifestation of Divine Grace.
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The more of Jesus you place into your heart the more darkness is pushed out.
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