Be Born-Again - Achieve Shalom
Be born again, Achieve Shalom. What does it mean to be born again? It means You receive a New Birth. You receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. A Remarkable Spiritual Renewal. The Holy Spirit indwells in you. You are a NEW creature, the old you is removed. You belong to a New Kingdom. These Blessings are just a start.
In John 3:1-6 we read about what it means to be born again. The Greek word used here is ‘gennao’ which literally means ‘to become new’. When you say you’ve been reborn, you’re declaring that you’ve become a new person. Once you experience this transformation, seek out a church that follows Spiritual Growth by Sound Doctrine and get baptized by being fully immersed in water.
To understand what it means to be born again, it is necessary to understand that there are 2 births. The “first” birth is the physical birth when you were born into this world from your mother’s wound after her water breaks. When the Bible speaks of being “born of water, ” it is speaking about the physical birth (NOT baptism).
The “second” birth is a SPIRITUAL BIRTH, which means to be born of the “Spirit” (God’s Holy Spirit). John 3:6 says, That which is born of the flesh is flesh; (from Mother’s wound) and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit; (accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior receiving the Holy Spirit).
Be Born Again - Holy Spirit Indwells In You
Jesus declares; “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me”, John 14:6. You are filled with the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:9–17) that brings regeneration and new birth that makes you have the new nature of Jesus Christ in you. Titus 3:5-7. Jesus says be born again I will send the Holy Spirit to you as a Comforter.
The power of the Holy Spirit is truly awe-inspiring. When the Holy Spirit indwells in you, the Gospel comes alive in a profound and transformative way. It is a supernatural experience that goes beyond mere intellectual understanding – the truths of the Gospel become living, breathing realities that ignite your heart and empower your faith.
With the Holy Spirit as your guide, the message of salvation, redemption, and eternal life takes on a vibrancy that is simply breathtaking. You begin to grasp the depths of God’s love in a way that fills you with wonder and gratitude. The Gospel’s call to repentance, forgiveness, and new life becomes a personal invitation that you eagerly accept.
Be Born-Again Receive Indwelling of the Holy Spirit
The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is a sacred privilege that imbues your life with divine purpose and power. As you yield to His leading, you find yourself speaking words of life, extending compassion, and walking in the authority that Christ has secured for all who believe. Truly, the Gospel comes alive in you in a way that cannot be contained – it radiates outward, drawing others to the transformative love of God. You are blessed beyond measure. Learn more about the Birth of Jesus.
Be born again and you can say I am united to the Lord and have become One Spirit with Him through the Holy Spirit. Everywhere you go the presence of God goes with you; You can say; God is in me, the Wisdom of God is in me, the Power of God is in me, the Victory of God is in me. Also God Himself is talking to me, teaching me, counseling me, empowering me and enduing me with Himself. ‘Jesus laid his life down for you, to live His life through you’.
More Be Born Again Blessings:
Gain Access To God
Your Name Gets Written In The Book Of Life.
Eternal Life in Heaven with Jesus.
Spiritually Alive.
Free From The Bondage Of Sin.
Reconciled With God.
and Much More.
What is Sound Doctrine?
Sound doctrine ONLY, is what the Holy Spirit illuminates. Sound doctrine is the teaching that agrees with the Bible. In Titus 2:1, Paul tells Titus to “speak thou the things which become sound doctrine”. Titus’s teaching had to correspond with God’s Word.
“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine…”, 2 Timothy 4:3. A new born-again Christian is vulnerable to wolves dressed in sheep’s clothing (false teachers), Matthew 7:15, read context. Please be careful of which Preachers you grow spiritually with. Always check your Bible to confirm if what they are teaching is Truth. I recommend the King James Version Bible, KJV and always ask for the Church’s statement of Faith. TV and internet Preachers, write for statement of Faith. If no answers Beware!
What is a Be Born Again Christian?
An individual who seeks to live his or her life according to the principles and values taught by Jesus. You are born again in an instant, translated from death to life. Death eternal – unbeliever or not saved – separation from God for eternity “TO” Life eternal – Live with Jesus for eternity.
Always Remember the Holy Spirit Is In You
The Holy Spirit is God Himself and stands equal among the Godhead. Alongside God the Father and the Son Jesus Christ, He forms this divine unity. These three persons live in perfect harmony, showcasing the one essence of God.
In this world of chaos and instability, there is a shalom that surpasses all human understanding – the supernatural shalom that God gives through the Holy Spirit. When you are born-again the Holy Spirit is WITH you and IN you as a Helper and Comforter. He is always there for the taking. The big question is, will you receive Him with your heart wide open? Be Born-Again.
Secularism launches a fierce assault to fill children’s hearts and minds with darkness. These forces, shrouded in shadow, threaten to engulf all. These earthly powers remain hidden by ignorance and succumb to overwhelming darkness. The god of this world (satan) has blinders covering unbelievers eyes, 2 Corinthians 4:4. Being born-again will help you overcome all attacks and lies of the enemy and make you more than a Conqueror! Rom 8:37.
The Holy Spirit's Gifts and Power - ebook
The Fire That Ignites
Discover the transformative power of the Holy Spirit with “The Fire That Ignites” by Tony Evans. Join the disciples as the Holy Spirit transforms them into bold leaders.
Through vivid storytelling and insightful reflection, Dr. Evans reveals how this same Spirit is active today, ready to ignite your faith. Witness the power that brings wisdom, freedom, and joy, turning routine believers into vibrant witnesses for Christ.
Equip yourself with holy habits to remain connected to this eternal source of strength. Let your spirit soar and bring glory to God’s kingdom. Awaken to a life on fire for Him. Embrace the power of the Holy Spirit and let your life be forever changed.
Amazing and Dynamic Walk with Jesus Christ
Once you become a child of God you can have an Amazing and Dynamic Walk with Jesus Chirst. Yes there will be trials, tribulations and heartaches but God Himself will be with you and in you and guide you through them. Always come to God First for help. He is your Comforter and will bring you wholeness. For greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. Have Faith, Believe, Trust and Obedience.
Rely on the Holy Spirit today. He is deeply personal, all-powerful, and ever present. The deeper you get into God’s Heart the more He will manifest His blessings. Be Born Again Today
Discovering the Essence of Spiritual Renewal
When you choose to be born-again, you step into a journey of spiritual rejuvenation. By welcoming the Living Jesus as your Savior, your soul experiences a profound renewal. The Holy Spirit moves within you, shaping you into a new creation. As old habits fade, you find yourself entering a vibrant spiritual realm.
A Transformation Beyond Imagination
This spiritual rebirth isn’t the end; it’s the beginning of countless blessings. The Living Jesus underscores this renewal in John 3:1-6. The term ‘gennao’ in Greek means to become new. Embrace this change wholeheartedly, and find a church that stays true to sound doctrine biblical teachings. Pursue baptism by immersion as a powerful symbol of your transformation.
Why This Matters
Understanding this change is crucial. Being born-again signifies your commitment to a life shaped by the Living God’s love. Engaging with a community of believers enriches your faith journey. Shalom restores what is broken, and you experience peace unlike any other.
Embrace the Journey
Being born again is the key to unlocking a life with purpose. The steps you take now open doors to a fulfilling future. Are you ready to begin this journey? Let this moment be your catalyst for a life filled with God’s blessings. Learn more about the Birth of Jesus.
Shalom is a Blessing, a manifestation of Divine Grace.
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The more of Jesus you place into your heart the more darkness is pushed out.
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