Completeness and Perfection Fixes Broken Pieces
Completeness and perfection do not stem from worldly success but from Spiritual wholeness. Reflecting on the completeness of God you reveal how Shalom can restore harmony. Dive in to understand how attaining this peace can change your life.
Broken things are despised as worthless to the world’s view, but God can take what has been broken and remake it into completeness, something that He can use for His glory. Broken things and broken people are the result of sin. Yet God sent his Son, who was without sin, to be broken so that you might obtain completeness.
The Keys to Spiritual Fulfillment
Grasping the concept of God’s completeness is not only enlightening but also healing. When you recognize that God is whole and lacking nothing, it can profoundly change how you view your broken pieces. Let’s dive into this divine attribute by exploring its definition, biblical foundation, and key attributes.
The Definition of Completeness
Completeness in a religious context and signifies being whole or entire, lacking nothing. Spiritually, it’s the state of having all the necessary qualities. God’s completeness is perfect and full and it means He embodies everything that is good and necessary for existence. Imagine a puzzle without a missing piece; that’s God.
Biblical Basis of God's Love
The Bible offers numerous passages that highlight God’s completeness and perfection. For example:
- Colossians 2:9-10: “For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority.”
- Psalm 18:30: “As for God, his way is perfect: The Lord’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him.”
- James 1:17: “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”
God Will Send You A Helper
Jesus says, “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name and he shall teach you ALL things and bring ALL things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you”, Jn.14:26. Again, “Howbeit when he the Spirit of truth is come, he will guide you INTO ALL truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come”, Jn 16:13. The Word of God is Complete! Be Born-Again.
Attributes of God's Completeness
God’s completeness and perfection are reflected in His divine attributes and these key characteristics reveal why He is inherently complete:
- Omnipotence: God’s all-powerful nature ensures that nothing is beyond His ability. He can do anything that aligns with His character.
- Omniscience: God’s all-knowing quality means He understands everything from the beginning to the end. Nothing escapes His knowledge.
- Omnipresence: God’s presence is everywhere at all times. He is fully present in all parts of the universe simultaneously.
These attributes show that God encompasses all power, wisdom, and presence, making Him fully complete and perfect. As believers, this assures us that you can rely on God to mend your brokenness with His wholeness.
Understanding these aspects can help you trust more deeply in God’s completeness and let go of your perceived inadequacies. By focusing on these attributes you realize that your imperfections can be restored through His divine completeness.
The Perfection of God
The concept of God’s completeness and perfection are fundamental to understanding His divine nature. Unlike human perfection, which is often flawed and incomplete, God’s perfection is absolute and unchanging. This section delves into the unique and awe-inspiring aspects of God’s perfect nature.
What is Perfection?
When we talk about perfection in the context of God’s nature, you refer to His absolute and complete state. Perfect means without flaw, defect, or any form of imperfection. For God, this goes beyond your human understanding.
Imagine a perfect circle—every point equidistant from the center and Now, think of God’s perfection as a divine circle with no irregularities or breaks, extending beyond your limited imagination. God’s perfection signifies His absolute purity, holiness, and eternally flawless nature.
Scriptural References to God's Perfection
The Bible is replete with verses that highlight and celebrate God’s perfection and these passages serve as a constant reminder of His pure and unblemished nature:
- Deuteronomy 32:4: “He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he.”
- Psalm 18:30: “As for God, his way is perfect: The Lord’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him.”
- Matthew 5:48: “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”
These verses underline the flawless and impeccable nature of God and they assure you of His unwavering righteousness and justice.
How God's Perfection Manifests
God’s perfection is not just a concept to be admired from a distance because It actively manifests in various ways, influencing His actions and interactions with humanity:
Perfect Love: God’s love is unconditional and all-encompassing Unlike human love, which can be fickle and conditional, God’s love never fails. His perfect love means He cares for you deeply, despite your shortcomings.
Perfect Justice: God’s sense of justice is fair and unbiased because He judges rightly without favoritism or error and His justice ensures that goodness prevails and wrongdoings are addressed rightly.
Perfect Wisdom: God’s wisdom surpasses all human understanding. His decisions and plans are always for your ultimate good. He sees the bigger picture and guides you in ways you may not always comprehend.
Perfect Faithfulness: God is always true to His promises. Unlike humans who may break their word, God remains faithful so His reliability gives you confidence and assurance in His perfect plans.
By embodying these attributes, God consistently demonstrates His perfection. This divine perfection offers you a model to strive towards and a source of comfort in your imperfections.
Understanding God’s perfection helps you to see beyond your flaws and trust in His perfect nature. It’s a reminder that in your brokenness you can find solace in His complete and perfect love.
Rediscovering Holiness
Know the Fullness of Life with God
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Step onto the path of true holiness with J.I. Packer. In “Rediscovering Holiness,” the timeless call to holiness is revived. Packer illuminates a clear route for believers eager to embrace God’s call.
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Understanding the Fullness of our Salvation
Understanding the Fullness of our Salvation
Although salvation is often reduced to a one-time event it is so much more. It encompasses your past, present, and future, addressing every struggle and conflict you face along the way. The fullness of salvation is not mere theology it is a living experience that offers hope, healing, and restoration in the face of depression, anxiety, and other personal challenges.
Walking in Power and Victory:
Walking out your salvation in power and victory requires getting serious with God and cultivating a deep intimate relationship with Him. To experience the completeness of Calvary you must embrace the truth that God’s promises never fail and anchor your thoughts, words, or actions in His Word. By doing so you can overcome self-doubt, fear, rejection, and step into a life of freedom and victory.
Securing our Position in Christ:
Securing your position in Christ is not a passive endeavor; it requires intentional effort and a renewed mind and through a steadfast trust and faith in God, you can stand firm, unshaken by the storms of life that threaten to tear you down. As you embrace the authority Christ gives you, reclaim what you’ve lost. Step confidently into the abundant life promised to you.
Embracing the Completeness of Calvary:
The completeness of Calvary is not a distant concept but a present reality that you can experience daily. It invites you to declare with authority that you are a victor in Christ to overcome personal struggles, and to walk in freedom and victory over depression, anxiety, conflict, guilt, and spiritual stagnation. By embracing the completeness of Calvary, you can transform your life and become vessels of hope and transformation to a broken world
Understanding God’s completeness and perfection is crucial for spiritual growth and healing. His divine attributes offer a profound sense of wholeness and restoration. By recognizing that God is whole and flawless, you can find comfort and mending for your broken pieces.
Grasping the concept of God’s completeness empowers you to trust Him fully, knowing He lacks nothing and can fill your deepest voids. Similarly, embracing God’s perfection reassures you of His unchanging, faultless nature, guiding you towards a more profound faith.
As you reflect on this understanding, seek God’s healing and restoration in your life. Let His completeness and perfection bring you peace and fulfillment. Learn to Discern God’s Will.
Shalom is a Blessing, a manifestation of Divine Grace.
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